Logging secrets

As mentioned before, just wrap the secret with Secret.apply.

scala> import com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.SafeString._
import com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.SafeString._

scala> import com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.Secret
import com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.Secret

scala> case class DbConn(driver: String, password: Secret)
defined class DbConn

scala> val dbConn = DbConn("driverstring", Secret("adifficultpassword"))
dbConn: DbConn = DbConn(driverstring,Secret(adifficultpassword))

scala> s"The db connection is $dbConn"
res2: String = The db connection is DbConn(driverstring,Secret(adifficultpassword))

scala> safeStr"The db connection is $dbConn"
res1: com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.SafeString = SafeString(The db connection is { driver : driverstring, password : ***** })

Secrets will be hidden wherever it exists in your nested case class

Your own secret ?

If you don’t want to use com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.Secret data type and need to use your own, then define Safe instance for it.

case class MySecret(value: String) extends AnyVal

implicit val safeMySec: Safe[MySecret] = _ => "****"

case class DbConn(driver: String, password: MySecret)

val conn = DbConn("posgr", MySecret("this will be hidden"))

scala> safeStr"the db is $conn"
res3: com.thaj.safe.string.interpolator.SafeString = SafeString(the db is { driver : posgr, password : **** })