Use nix today onwards

Posted on September 14, 2020

Use nix

A bit opinionated statement, yet very true.

If you were doing brew install mysql its just bad. If you are using nix-env -i mysql, well we talk the same language.

When installing a package using nix, you are not manipulating or mutating an environment in your machine.

Let’s take a simple example. Assuming you don’t have mysql installed in your machine.

To install this using nix, all you need to do is try

  nix-env -i mysql

If that doesn’t work, probably try `nix-env -qa ’mysql*’ that will list down the packages (binaries) available in your nix-env for you to install.

That is,

  nix-env -qa 'mysql.*'

This will return a list of mysql related packages:


and then you could try

  nix-env -i mysql-8.0.17

Once installed, the package, under the hood is stored in nix store, which is probably going to be in a path starting with `/nix/store/some-cryptographic-hash-package-name-bla/

This implies, these are not stored at root level, or even at user level affecting other versions of mysql which you might have already installed in your machine.

Try this:

 ls -lrt /nix/store/*mysql*

and you see:

  -r--r--r--  1 afsalthaj  admin  5036  1 Jan  1970 /nix/store/qnp2h0ffj5g30m5mmpwg4lz1walwqmr6-mysql-8.0.17.drv
  -r--r--r--  1 afsalthaj  admin  3038  1 Jan  1970 /nix/store/ig0krswxfyjip4zfyczbawnfxsbqji3r-mysql-8.0.17.tar.gz.drv

  total 0
  dr-xr-xr-x   4 afsalthaj  admin   128  1 Jan  1970 share
  dr-xr-xr-x  11 afsalthaj  admin   352  1 Jan  1970 lib
  dr-xr-xr-x   3 afsalthaj  admin    96  1 Jan  1970 include
  dr-xr-xr-x  34 afsalthaj  admin  1088  1 Jan  1970 bin

  total 0
  dr-xr-xr-x  4 afsalthaj  admin  128  1 Jan  1970 lib

Try if mysql is installed, by just running mysql in your terminal


Unstalling this using the below command doesn’t delete mysql from the nix store.

 nix-env -e mysql

Here we are starting to talk about immutatble package management. While mysql is not “Really” uninstalled, the applications that are still using mysql will start to fail in your machine. We will solve this problem later on.

Before we answer the question, let’s understand why on earth mysql without having to specify the path to its bin folder works. Ideally when we talk about immutability, it has to work only when we do


Its ok doing this imo (i.e, manually pointing to the package than polluting my profile/user files. However, nix comes with a better strategy such that it doesn’t pollute profile files when you install packages using nix, and at the same time, comes with convenience of using mysql directly.

The solution lies here:

When you install nix, it asks you (or adds automatically, I can’t remember) to specify /Users/afsalthaj/.nix-profile in your base_profile. And you know “afsalthaj” here is just my username and nothing to do with nix.

Within this profile path Users/afsalthaj/.nix-profile/ we can see bin folder with simlinks to actual nix installed paths.


  lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  admin  70  1 Jan  1970 mysqltest -> /nix/store/lqigbpdcw281sy0k6nsi16kmj6972zrh-mysql-8.0.17/bin/mysqltest
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  admin  70  1 Jan  1970 mysqlslap -> /nix/store/lqigbpdcw281sy0k6nsi16kmj6972zrh-mysql-8.0.17/bin/mysqlslap
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  admin  70  1 Jan  1970 mysqlshow -> /nix/store/lqigbpdcw281sy0k6nsi16kmj6972zrh-mysql-8.0.17/bin/mysqlshow
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  admin  70  1 Jan  1970 mysqlpump -> /nix/store/lqigbpdcw281sy0k6nsi16kmj6972zrh-mysql-8.0.17/bin/mysqlpump
  // .. etc

That’s it ? Yes. But there is a bit more to it. What exactly was ~/.nix-profile ? Well it’s another simlink.

ls -lrt ~/.nix-profile
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  48  4 Sep 17:45 /Users/afsalthaj/.nix-profile -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/profile

And what’s in /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj ?

 ls -lrt /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj


lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60  4 Sep 17:45 profile-1-link -> /nix/store/lsrwsml0j65lhx2dhzyabjrdbiqcp5yg-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60  4 Sep 17:45 profile-2-link -> /nix/store/p1a1mgd6pa9n41j88p5119b62pzk2hjy-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60  4 Sep 17:45 channels-1-link -> /nix/store/fzy2wjnpwszb5qs28v9cwnd0v1nmbvzk-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  15  4 Sep 17:45 channels -> channels-1-link
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 12:41 profile-3-link -> /nix/store/wrhrzczc7kx30dbg6adhgb33492mlwzz-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 17:03 profile-4-link -> /nix/store/g1vqgql128rwjy636d6hyqyr0nmilwvs-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 17:04 profile-5-link -> /nix/store/wrhrzczc7kx30dbg6adhgb33492mlwzz-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 17:05 profile-6-link -> /nix/store/g1vqgql128rwjy636d6hyqyr0nmilwvs-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 17:06 profile-7-link -> /nix/store/wrhrzczc7kx30dbg6adhgb33492mlwzz-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  60 14 Sep 17:22 profile-8-link -> /nix/store/g1vqgql128rwjy636d6hyqyr0nmilwvs-user-environment
lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  14 14 Sep 17:22 profile -> profile-8-link

A quick summary of these simlink magic:

Quite straightforward, the origin ~/.nix-profile points to profile (above) which points to the latest generation which is profile-8-link. As and when you make more changes to nix-env, i.e, when you add a nix-env operation, a new user enviornmnet and generation link are created based on the current one. In this case, from profile-7 to profile-8. These generations are per user. Or as per nix-docs (in other words), “generations are further grouped into profiles, so that different users don’t interfere each other if they don’t want to”.

If you list /nix/store/g1vqgql128rwjy636d6hyqyr0nmilwvs-user-environment/bin you see the exact same content as before, which is the actual installations of packages.

In simple terms, depending on the user logged in, the ~/.nix-profile points to the latest generation of that user (profile).

This leads us to being able ot switch generations.

The best way to switch is, to switch to previous generation.

  nix-env --rollback

and now if you do,

  ls -lrt /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/profile
  // Equivalent to ls -lrt ~/.nix-profile

it now points to profile-7-link generation for the profile “afsalthaj” (or, in other words second-last generation for the user “afsalthaj”)

  /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/profile -> profile-7-link

Now you get to a previous change in your nix-env.

Well let’s switch back to latest before we continue

  nix-env --switch-generation 8
  ## switching from generation 7 to 8

To get a list of generations (obviously, it will list based on you as a user)

  nix-env --list-generations

yielding all the 8 generations of the profile “afsalthaj” (user “afsalthaj”)

   1   2020-09-04 17:45:33
   2   2020-09-04 17:45:33
   3   2020-09-14 12:41:12
   4   2020-09-14 17:03:06
   5   2020-09-14 17:04:50
   6   2020-09-14 17:05:09
   7   2020-09-14 17:06:05
   8   2020-09-14 17:22:46   (current)

PS: Yes we started by saying ~/.nix-profile/bin should be in your PATH ((COPY FROM nix-doc) and indeed, that’s what the initialisation script /nix/etc/profile.d/ does). This makes it easier to switch to a different profile. You can do that using the command nix-env –switch-profile:

  nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/my-profile

What if my laptop runs out of space?

You might be wondering nothing is getting deleted especially when doing nix-env -u or nix-env -e (update or delete) because all they do is creating a new generation for the profile (user) with the updated simlinks to the real packages.

The answer is Nix garbage collector. It will remove from the Nix store any package not used (directly or indirectly) by any generation of any profile. Important note from Nix-docs: “So in order for garbage collection to be effective, you should also delete (some) old generations”.

Refer to chapter 11 and skim through various commands such as nix-env --delete-generations old.

To do garbage collection, we then do

 nix-store --gc

Alternatively, just nix-collect-garbage -d is the right way to do it including the old generations.

Nix channel

A Nix channel is just a URL that points to a place that contains a set of Nix expressions and a manifest. Using the command nix-channel you can automatically stay up to date with whatever is available at that URL.

 cat ~/.nix-channels
 ## nixpkgs

Subscribing :

 nix-channel --add

You can obviously update packages within a channel, leading to creating new generations in your profile, that consist of simlinks pointing the very latest versions of the packages available through channel. If multiple channels exists, it creates a union of the channels.

This is done through nix-defexpr-channels

  ls -lrt  ~/.nix-defexpr/channels
  ## lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  49  4 Sep 17:45 /Users/afsalthaj/.nix-defexpr/channels -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/channels

  ls -lrt /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/channels
  ## lrwxr-xr-x  1 afsalthaj  staff  15  4 Sep 17:45 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/afsalthaj/channels -> channels-1-link

The nix-doc (just before part 3) also talk about sharing your nix-store with other machines using http, ssh and s3. Refer them if you are interested. I have never ended up using these features ever.

Let’s write some nix expressions

Oh, well we installed packages. We switched generations. We understand profiles and all sort of sim link magics involved. However, we still don’t know what exactly is nix ? How are the packages designed ? Or declaratively defined ?

In other words, in real life, we mostly write nix-expressions and not just live with nix-env -i somepakcage that uses pre-built binaries.

We know nix packages are available for you to install in your machine. Remember nix-env -qa listing down all available packages ? Well what if we need a new package into the nix packages collection ?

Answer is: (COPY FROM NIX DOC)

  • Write a Nix expression for the package. This is a file that describes all the inputs involved in building the package, such as dependencies, sources, and so on.

  • Write a builder. This is a shell script that actually builds the package from the inputs.

  • Add the package to the file pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix. The Nix expression written in the first step is a function; it requires other packages in order to build it. In this step you put it all together, i.e., you call the function with the right arguments to build the actual package.